
View a list of ProMat 2023 on-floor seminars below.

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1 - 9 of 9 seminars

1) Innovations in Item & Parcel Sortation
Starts 10:15 AM Ends 11:00 AM Date Monday, March 20
Location Robotics & Automation Theater Sponsor Tompkins Robotics

Tompkins Robotics is focused on the robotic automation of distribution operations. Our primary system t-Sort consists of autonomous mobile robots. t-Sort is a unique modular, scalable, configurable and portable, automated material handling sortation system that is creating a huge paradigm shift in the ...

2) On-Demand Apparel Manufacturer Accelerates Order Entry to Delivery with Flexible Automation
Starts 1:15 PM Ends 2:00 PM Date Monday, March 20
Location Robotics & Automation Theater Sponsor Zebra Technologies Corp.

With a minimum order quantity of one and a goal to create and ship product within 24 hours, discover how BMC, an on-demand manufacturer of clothing and home goods opted for autonomous mobile robots to move materials among its 120 sewing stations rather than inflexible roller conveyors. Join us for a ...

3) Demystifying Fulfillment Automation
Starts 3:15 PM Ends 4:00 PM Date Monday, March 20
Location Robotics & Automation Theater Sponsor GreyOrange Inc.

Companies across the industry cannot meet modern fulfillment demands with technology built for a previous era. Join this session to learn how AI-driven cloud software and smart robotic automation can help overcome inadequacies in existing warehouse technology and capitalize on modern market developments. ...

4) How Robotics is Disrupting Warehouse Fulfillment with Disruption-Proof Automation
Starts 11:15 AM Ends 12:00 PM Date Tuesday, March 21
Location Robotics & Automation Theater Sponsor Exotec

Nobody could have predicted the chaotic state of supply chain logistics during and after the pandemic. However, one thing is certain: the industry will never be the same. Supply chain disruptions, labor shortages, increasing cost pressures – the list of challenges warehouses are facing is long and ever-changing. ...

5) TRG (The Robotics Group) of MHI presents: What’s Possible Now in Warehouse Robotics
Starts 4:15 PM Ends 5:00 PM Date Tuesday, March 21
Location Robotics & Automation Theater Sponsor MHI

Warehousing and distribution thought leaders will discuss what's new and what is needed to tap into the immense value that both people and technology bring to their supply chain performance, how robots (working in harmony with the human factor) can deliver labor savings and what innovative automation ...

6) TRG (The Robotics Group) of MHI presents: Tracking Project ROI
Starts 10:15 AM Ends 11:00 AM Date Wednesday, March 22
Location Robotics & Automation Theater Sponsor MHI

As businesses continue to seek insight on prioritization of their limited investment dollars, how will you generate the business case for your project? This moderated panel session will share insight, learnings and mistakes on projects focused on ROI outcomes. In addition, how that differs from the business ...

7) Next Gen Order Fulfillment Powered by Flexible Robotics
Starts 12:15 PM Ends 1:00 PM Date Wednesday, March 22
Location Robotics & Automation Theater Sponsor Mujin

Customers have been asked to choose between implementing a manual process or investing in a large, costly ASRS solutions for order fulfillment, with few options in between available in the market. Due to trending labor shortages, manual fulfillment operations have proven to be flexible but not scalable. ...

8) Warehouse Automation Trends & Innovations 2023
Starts 2:15 PM Ends 3:00 PM Date Wednesday, March 22
Location Robotics & Automation Theater Sponsor ADDVERB TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD.

2023 is the year automation comes into its own. Warehouses are ready, the technology is falling into place, and all that’s left is for you to jump in and start reaping the benefits. But, before making any investment, it’s good to know where we are at today—and what’s coming around the corner.

9) MIX - Inspire the next warehousing
Starts 3:15 PM Ends 4:00 PM Date Wednesday, March 22
Location Robotics & Automation Theater Sponsor Mushiny Robotics (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.

MIX - Green Solution for Goods-to-Person. This innovative warehousing solution effectively combines the flexibility of latent AMR Goods-to-Person and the high storage advantage of Shuttle AMR Totes-to-Person, which simultaneously supports the storage and picking of large, medium and small sizes parcels. ...