
SponsorTompkins Robotics
DateMonday, March 20, 2023
Time10:15 AM - 11:00 AM
LocationRobotics & Automation Theater
Recording View Recording
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What You Will Learn

Tompkins Robotics is focused on the robotic automation of distribution operations. Our primary system t-Sort consists of autonomous mobile robots. t-Sort is a unique modular, scalable, configurable and portable, automated material handling sortation system that is creating a huge paradigm shift in the supply chain. It is revolutionizing how the basic distribution function of order fulfillment and package sortation is accomplished for our customers. Applications include ecommerce, store replenishment, returns, parcel sortation and unique functions like central fill pharmacy and retail order fulfillment at the store level. We continue to expand this core system with complementary robotic systems to automate processes in fulfillment operations. Our systems maximize performance with high capacity, high performance, and flexible robotic solutions. We typically cost less, require less space, deploy faster, and achieve a much higher ROI than traditional automation. We create profit and value for our clients, making them more agile and adaptable to the highly dynamic changes in the marketplace.

Key Takeaways

• Audience will gain an understanding of the different applications for autonomous mobile robots
• Audience will be better equipped to evaluate how to examine ROI and potential automated solutions


Sean O'Farrell Tompkins Robotics VP of Operations

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Seminar sponsored by Tompkins Robotics.

Booth(s): N7140