View a list of ProMat 2023 exhibitors below.
1 - 15 of 25 results
1) Banner Engineering Corporation
Booth # S3512
Banner Engineering designs and manufactures industrial automation products including sensors, smart IIoT and industrial wireless technologies, LED lights and indicators, measurement devices, machine safety equipment, as well as barcode scanners and machine vision. These solutions help make many of the ... |
2) Advanced Wireless Communications
Booth # N9329
Two-way radios, forklift radios, repeaters, DAS and solutions, etc. |
3) Amer Electric Motion, Inc.
Booth # S4556a
DC motors |
4) AUTEC North America, LLC
Booth # N6332
![]() AUTEC designs, manufactures, and markets safety-rated cableless control systems for applications in the construction, industrial lifting and automation sectors. AUTEC provides the best technical solutions and support for each or our customers. Headquartered in Vicenza, Italy, AUTEC’s team of experts ... |
5) Beckhoff Automation
Booth # S1541
Industrial automation, motors and drivers |
6) Dane Technologies, Inc.
Booth # N7553
![]() DELIVERING INNOVATIVE MANUAL AND AUTONOMOUS POWER ASSIST SOLUTIONS Dane Technologies was founded in 1996 to help retailers address the safety and productivity challenges associated with the movement and management of carts and inventory. Since that time, we have grown to become one of the most trusted ... |
7) Dane Technologies, Inc.
Booth # N10113
Power assist solutions for material handling. |
8) Dispatch
Booth # N9532
![]() Dispatch is your partner in on-demand delivery. Focus on growing your business, and let us help you Deliver More* with easy-to-use solutions. Dispatch’s technology fuels DaaS (Deliver as a Service) empowering our customers to manage their daily delivery operations all in one place. With multiple delivery ... |
9) EtherCAT Technology Group
Booth # S1738
FieldBus Organization |
10) FAST Global Solutions
Booth # S2375
FAST Global Solutions is a leading manufacturer of smartly designed, ruggedly built equipment for many of the world’s largest package shipping and systems integration facilitators. FAST engineers innovative conveying equipment that solves diverse customer challenges, maximizes operations and maintains ... |
11) Garlock Safety Systems
Booth # S4223
Manufacture loading dock and roofing safety equipment |
12) Industrial Netting
Booth # N6444
Warehouse rack safety netting |
13) J&L Wire Cloth LLC
Booth # S2775
Wire rack decking for pallet rack |
14) Koerber Supply Chain Software
Booth # S4782
![]() Supply chains are growing more complex by the day. Körber uniquely provides a broad range of proven, end-to-end supply chain solutions fitting any business size, strategy or appetite for growth. Capable of delivering not just software, but automation, voice, robotics, and materials handling – plus the ... |
15) Lind Electronics, Inc
Booth # S2875
AC/DC adapters for mobile computing. |