
Automha Americas Automation Corp is excited to announce that they will be manufacturing the all-new, never been seen-before Pallet Runner GX in Buffalo, New York, by the end of 2023.
This exciting initiative is based on the continued success over the last nine years of operating within North America. The success of the PalletRunner Product line is based on our North American customers' adoption of a great deep lane storage system. That success and support allow Automha Americas Automation Corp to make the bold decision to further its foothold in North America by establishing real roots in the USA economy. With your ongoing support, this will be the platform for other manufacturing initiatives, but let's start with the product that got us to this great announcement.
Staffing requirements are still being finalized, but new job opportunities are expected to be created directly with Automha Americas and local manufacturing businesses supporting these exciting endeavors.
• Promat 2023 booth number S1271

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Submitted by Automha Americas Automation Corp..

Booth(s): S1271