
Cost-effective ways to add extra pizzazz to your ProMat 2023 promotions. Make your messages much more visible for minimal cost.

Online Exhibit Showcases

Stand out from the crowd with a Showcase listing on promatshow. com. Exhibitors with Showcase listings average a 78% increase in pageviews over non-advertisers. Showcases have what attendees are searching for: details, photos, news releases, product specifications, case studies, downloadable files, and videos.

Online Showcases are included in all Marketing Packages

  • 10MB or 25MB Library Showcase
  • Company Logo
  • Up to six photos
  • Additional contacts with email links and social media sites
  • Up to 10 MB or 25 MB of library space. Include PDF, Word, Excel or PowerPoint downloadable documents
  • YouTube videos
  • Google Analytics
  • "Featured Search Results" listing - appears at top of online directory and search results
  • 25MB Showcases come with custom branding options

Questions? Contact Donna Streicher at 704-714-8718 or dstreicher@mhi.org

Access Our Database

To better serve our exhibitors’ marketing needs, MHI is allowing access to our database on a per record basis. This is the ONLY way to access our database and is an exhibitor-exclusive benefit - we do not sell our list to anyone else. We offer use of these lists for direct mail and for email to attendees who opted to share this information with outside parties.

Sponsorship Price Details

Postal Mail

$0.10 per record 1X Use - ONE POSTAL MAILING ONLY Mailer must be pre-approved. Minimum order 1,000 records

1X Post-show
Postal Mail

$0.10 per record 1X Use - ONE POSTAL MAILING ONLY Minimum order 1,000 records

2X Post-show
Postal Mail

$0.15 per record 2X Use - TWO POSTAL MAILING ONLY Minimum order 1,000 records

1X Post-show

$0.20 per record 1X Use - ONE EMAIL ONLY Minimum order 1,000 records

2X Post-show

$0.30 per record 2X Use - TWO EMAILS ONLY Minimum order 1,000 records

Order online by logging into the Exhibitor Portal at exhibit.mhi.org and selecting “Access Our Database” on the left and then selecting the appropriate trade show.

You can then make your list selects and see the direct mail and email count at the top of the page to manage the size of your list. Once you complete your selects, you will receive your order confirmation with payment information. Once your order and payment is received, you will receive instructions to complete your email or direct mailing.

Email Lists
All emails to the attendee list will be distributed on your behalf through MHI. Once your order is placed, MHI will work with you on the timing and execution of your email.

Postal Mail Lists
All mailing information will be sent to a mailing house, not directly to exhibitors. You can use your preferred mailing house, simply submit the List License Agreement. If you do not have a mailing house, MHI has negotiated special rates with an MHI-appointed mailing house to conduct direct mailings to the trade show attendee list. You can utilize their templates, ship pre-printed materials to them or print and mail custom printed mailings with them.

Questions? Contact Alex Batty abatty@mhi.org

Online Banner Ads

Hundreds of thousands of unique visitors will access the ProMat 2023 website during the six months surrounding the show. Drive more traffic to your listing and website by promoting your solution with a promatshow.com banner ad.

Banner ads will rotate and will run from the time materials are received until three months after the event.

Questions? Contact Donna Streicher at 704-714-8718 or dstreicher@mhi.org

Name Price Details

Home Page Hero


1140 x 416 px hero ad (JPG or PNG; max 300MB) on the promatshow.com home page; clickable to your exhibitor listing. Limit of 5.



1140 x 416 px hero ad (JPG or PNG; max 300MB) on the promatshow.com seminar directory page; clickable to your exhibitor listing. Limit of 5.



1140 x 416 px hero ad (JPG or PNG; max 300MB) on the promatshow.com exhibitor directory page; clickable to your exhibitor listing. Limit of 5.

Home Page


300 x 600 px tower ad (JPG or PNG; max 300MB) on the promatshow.com home page; clickable to your exhibitor listing. Limit of 20.

Home Page


970 x 250 px banner ad (JPG or PNG; max 300MB) on the promatshow.com home page; clickable to your exhibitor listing. Limit of 20.

Search Pages Tower


300 x 600 px tower ad (JPG or PNG; max 300MB) on the promatshow.com search pages; clickable to your exhibitor listing.

Interior Pages Tower


300 x 600 px tower ad (JPG or PNG; max 300MB) on the promatshow.com interior pages; clickable to your exhibitor listing.

Page Ad


300 x 250px banner ad (JPG or PNG; max 300MB) on the promatshow.com registration page; clickable to your exhibitor listing.

Showcase Hero


468 x 60px hero ad (JPG or PNG; max 300MB) on your exhibitor listing. (This banner is included with all Marketing Packages.)

Exhibitor Marketing Packages

To get the most from your marketing efforts, consider an Exhibitor Marketing Package. These packages are designed for companies who want to promote their exhibit with an integrated approach utilizing a variety of promotions offered by MHI. By combining several promotions into one package you get the marketing impact you want and you save money.

Questions? Contact Donna Streicher at 704-714-8718 or dstreicher@mhi.org

Name Price Details


  • - 10 MB Online Showcase
  • - Featured Exhibitor in exhibitor search results
  • - Showcase Hero


  • - 10 MB Online Showcase
  • - Featured Exhibitor in exhibitor search results
  • - Showcase Hero
  • - Registration Page Ad

Deluxe Package

  • - 10 MB Online Showcase
  • - Featured Exhibitor in exhibitor search results
  • - Showcase Hero
  • - Search Pages Tower

Premier Package

  • - 25 MB Online Showcase with custom branding
  • - Featured Exhibitor in exhibitor search results
  • - Showcase Hero
  • - Home Page Tower
  • - Bold company name and booth number in the printed Expo Guide
  • - Bold company name and booth number highlighted in MHI Solutions Q2 2023 Magazine
  • Limit of 20.

Marketing Packages are the best value to enhance your listing.

Listing Enhancements Price
Showcase with 25 MB Library $1,000
Showcase with 10 MB Library $700
Showcase Hero Ad $500