
We manufacture solar panels and lithium batteries of various sizes under our flagship brand, Eco-Worthy. Other solar energy equipment we provide include charge controllers, power inverters, battery chargers, and system monitoring devices. With our team of engineers, we gladly offer aftermarket and OE businesses an innovative design solution for solar energy applications. We operate within many distribution channels across Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America.


DC House

Export Markets

North America
Central America
South America
Northern Europe
Eastern Europe
Southern Europe
Western Europe
Eastern Asia
Australia and New Zealand
Eco-Sources USA, Inc.
10637 Highway TT
Grovespring, Missouri 65662

Toll Free: (866) 939-8222
Phone: (417) 462-0067

Curtis Kelm
General Manager
(417) 531-5243

Lawrence Bowlin
Manufacturer Sales Representative
(417) 462-0067

Product Categories

Batteries/Chargers/Motors/Fuel/Alternative Fuel Systems