Welcome to Stock Manufacturing & Design Co., Inc. (SMD) est. 1974... As a Full Service Partner, our goal is to offer the most technologically advanced manufacturing services in the industry.
Located in the heart of the midwest, we service a wide variety of industries at every level of business. We specialize in Contract Manufacturing, Machining, Paint, Value Added Engineering, Product Management, Supply Chain Management, and Product Assembly. Let our experience go to work for your business today!
Design layout services by Stock MHS are customized to meet the specific needs of the client. Our experienced design team comes to your site to evaluate the facility and works beside you throughout the new construction, retro, or refitting project.
At Stock Material Handling Systems, we are dedicated to satisfying our customers' needs while providing them with the highest quality product, at the best price, delivered on schedule. Contact Jason Thomas for more info: (513) 353-3600