
Summary of Innovation

AMR technology is constantly evolving, but one challenge has always been working in the chilled and frozen environment. Working in cold temperatures can substantially impact human efficiency and not in a positive way. In fact, according to studies by Cornell, 53% of employees are less productive when they work in cold temperatures, and employees drastically increase their mistakes at work when the room temperature drops from 25°C to 20°C (77°F to 68°F). Further, humans are not designed to work in “cold stress” environments as exposure to cold temperatures can lead to many long-term health problems. But now in a post-pandemic world where labor is scarce and government regulations are driving more freshness mandates, companies are trying to spread the already thin workforce between the multiple climates – ambient, chilled, and freezer. Of course, the obvious answer is to automate to alleviate the issues created by the lack of labor, but the problem when it comes to mobile automation is an age-old one – the technology to move between multiple temperatures and climates just doesn’t exist . . . until now! The problem has long been the sensitivity of sensor technology and the buildup of condensation moving from the cold to warm climate.

The cold storage market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 12.5% from 2022 to 2030, generating a revenue of $323.6 billion by the end of that timeframe. In fact, ~53% of existing business in the cold chain environment plan to expand their cold storage facilities to handle fresh, chilled, and frozen goods in the next 8 years due mostly to the increasing needs for cold + fresh storage among commercial and industrial establishments, as well as regulatory compliance mandates. To this end, we have now developed and patented AMR technology that can seamlessly move between the cold environment (chilled and freezer) and ambient temperatures. iFollow robots from stow Robotics can operate in cold rooms down to -13°F and in ambient climates up to 104?F. The temperatures of the key electronic components are regulated by a servo system completely developed by our teams. Thus, we ensure the absence of condensation when moving from a very cold environment to a temperate space. Customers no longer are left out in the cold . . . in fact, at stow Robotics, we say “Bring On the Cold!” It’s a game-changer!

Innovation Statement

The problem when it comes to mobile automation moving between the multiple climates (ambient, chilled, freezer) is an age-old one – the technology to move between multiple temperatures and climates just doesn’t exist . . . until now! The problem has long been the sensitivity of sensor technology and the buildup of condensation moving from the cold to warm climate.


The cold storage market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 12.5% from 2022 to 2030, generating a revenue of $323.6 billion by the end of that timeframe; in fact, ~53% of existing business in the cold chain environment plan to expand their cold storage facilities to handle fresh, chilled, and frozen goods in the next 8 years due mostly to the increasing needs for cold + fresh storage among commercial and industrial establishments, as well as regulatory compliance mandates - a seamless solution with mobile robotics is a game-changer.


Posted Date1/11/23
ContactBrian Keiger
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CategoryBest New Innovation

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Submitted by Stow US Inc..

Booth(s): N6065