
Summary of Innovation

We believe that everyone should be in control of their own success. When we saw that many storage rack manufacturers and other rack professionals wait days for third party structural engineers to perform preliminary design calculations or just simply answer questions, we knew they needed a tool that gave them more control. Using finite element analysis and other advanced computing technologies, OneRack gives rack professionals the ability to easily create their own rack prelims, answer their customers' questions, utilize their inventory, and solve problems the way they see fit. OneRack is a web based storage rack design software, assembled by structural engineers, but built so that every-day-professionals can design storage racks efficiently and safely.

Innovation Statement

OneRack uses computing power to utilize the most cutting edge technology in structural engineering, and tailors it specifically for storage rack design.
Along with that, OneRack is simply the only of it's kind - There is no other rack design software that is available to the public.


OneRack improves the productivity, efficiency, and quality of service of storage rack manufacturers, integrators, engineers, and other rack professionals.


Posted Date10/19/22
ContactJordan Tlumak
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CategoryBest IT Innovation

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Submitted by OneRack.

Booth(s): S2882