
View a list of ProMat 2023 on-floor seminars below.

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1 - 4 of 4 seminars

1) School Specialty re-engineers their distribution operations to keep pace with shifting educational models and changing student needs
Starts 1:30 PM Ends 2:15 PM Date Monday, March 20
Location Emerging Technologies Theater Sponsor Alpine Supply Chain Solutions

Everything School Specialty offers is designed for one purpose – to help students succeed. From crayons to curriculum to comprehensive learning environments, the company offers over 150,000 products thoughtfully designed to work together to elevate outcomes and transform not just schools, but students ...

2) Making an ROI Business Case for Voice Technology in 2023
Starts 1:30 PM Ends 2:15 PM Date Monday, March 20
Location Theater A Sponsor EPG (Ehrhardt Partner Group)

Incorporating voice picking technology into warehouse management processes is indisputably beneficial — but many organizations encounter the challenge of clearly communicating the business case and ROI that derails their project before it gets off the ground. This session tackles those challenges head ...

3) Busting Myths: The Auto ID Episode
Starts 1:30 PM Ends 2:15 PM Date Monday, March 20
Location Theater E Sponsor SICK

Evolving technology, the Internet of Things, and continuous innovation make for some pretty impressive developments in the industrial automation space. It also makes for an impressively swirly rumor mill. What's actually possible, or just downright sensationalized? On the other hand, what components ...

4) SMA (Storage Manufacturers Association) of MHI presents: The New SMA Standards and S-Mark Certification Program along with best practices that can help mitigate risk
Starts 1:30 PM Ends 2:15 PM Date Monday, March 20
Location Theater I Sponsor MHI

With an increased industry focus on ecommerce, microfulfilment and last-mile delivery, shelving and work platforms have become a crucial part of efficient facility operations. The new SMA standards highlight best practices, are a key component to ensuring safety, and will help you prepare your facility ...