
View a list of ProMat 2023 on-floor seminars below.

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1 - 3 of 3 seminars

1) How SAFETY can help solve your hiring and retention problems
Starts 10:30 AM Ends 11:15 AM Date Tuesday, March 21
Location Theater I Sponsor Boplan USA Inc.

The health safety and wellbeing of associates while in the workplace. The conference will cover the physical safety, the confidence in safety measures, and the adherence to administrative and engineered controls.

2) SLAM (Scan | Label | Apply | Manifest) of MHI presents: The Business Case for SLAM Systems in Fulfillment Centers
Starts 12:00 PM Ends 12:45 PM Date Tuesday, March 21
Location Theater I Sponsor MHI

Members of MHI’s SLAM Industry Group discuss the business case for optimizing the last 100 feet of the warehouses, fulfillment, and distribution centers. With advances in high-tech robotics and smart systems being developed and implemented upstream (e.g. robotic picking, high tech ASRS systems, etc.) ...

3) RMI (Rack Manufacturers Institute) of MHI presents: Storage Rack Safety 101
Starts 3:00 PM Ends 3:45 PM Date Tuesday, March 21
Location Theater I Sponsor MHI

The safe use of a storage rack system is key to the productivity of a warehouse. We discuss the resources available from the Rack Manufacturers Institute that can be used to design and implement a safe rack system. We discuss the inspections necessary in maintaining a safe rack system. We discuss how ...

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