
View a list of ProMat 2023 on-floor seminars below.

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1 - 3 of 3 seminars

1) Cutting Through the Noise: How to look beyond technology and meet business objectives
Starts 11:30 AM Ends 12:15 PM Date Monday, March 20

Your inbox is full of noise. As you walk the tradeshow floor – noise. The supply chain industry is rapidly growing and evolving. In no other time have we seen so many technologies enter the marketplace, and they are all vying for your attention, adding to the noise. Along with that, the fierce competition ...

2) How Can You Put Robotic Lift Trucks To Work? Warehouse Use Cases
Starts 12:15 PM Ends 1:00 PM Date Monday, March 20
Location Robotics & Automation Theater Sponsor Yale Material Handling Corporation

The MHI annual industry report expects adoption of robotics and automation to reach 79% in the next five years. With warehouse turnover consistently high, robots are becoming an increasingly appealing option to relieve dependence on a transient labor pool. But do you really know what tasks can be ...

3) Automation Integration & Facility Construction - Designing from the Inside Out
Starts 12:45 PM Ends 1:30 PM Date Monday, March 20
Location Theater D Sponsor O'Neal Inc.

Are you considering integrating a new Automated System into your network? Approaching the Facility Construction, Infrastructure Upgrades, and Automation integration can be quite a daunting task. The amount of coordination required and the complexity of these highly automated projects can lead to costly ...