
DateWednesday, March 22, 2023
Time10:30 AM - 11:15 AM
LocationTheater E
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What You Will Learn

Today, order fulfillment success requires precise orchestration of each and every order.
You need powerful tools to define and execute business and fulfillment rules, both at the network level and at each fulfillment node.
The result: an enhanced customer experience lower fulfillment costs, increased revenue, and more consistent delivery performance for both B2B and B2C operations.
In this session, we’ll detail what order “orchestration” really means and how it can be achieved at the network-level and each fulfillment node by leveraging newer technologies such as Distributed Order Management (DOM) and Warehouse Execution Systems (WES).
Both these solutions dynamically execute intelligent rules to maximize customer experience while minimizing distribution costs.
DOM is the “Swiss Army knife” of supply chain execution, providing a rich array of capabilities for both B2C and B2B, including granular, real –time visibility across an extended network; enablement of Omnichannel fulfillment processes without changing existing systems; optimal order sourcing to select the lowest cost sourcing point while considering customer rules, network capacities and constraints; sophisticated inventory management and allocation rules; and much more.
WES adds a new generation of order fulfillment orchestration, optimization, and simulation capabilities above those available even in Tier 1 WMS solutions, ushering in the new era of “the autonomous warehouse.”
In this fast paced session, supported by actual case studies, you’ll learn how order fulfillment orchestration at the network and node levels is changing the game in distribution – and the advanced capabilities that are making that step-change possible.

Key Takeaways

Learn what order “orchestration” at multiple levels really means
How Distributed Order Management has become an essential tool for order fulfillment in B2B and B2C
How WES is delivering step-change improvements in warehouse software capabilities, moving to the new era of the autonomous warehouse


Dan Gilmore Softeon

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Seminar sponsored by Softeon.

Booth(s): S3578